Hello world!

Hello again! For the umpteenth time, I’m starting another blog. I can’t remember how many times I’ve tried to do this same thing and gave up and then delete all my blogs, but I’m quite sure this wouldn’t be the last one.

I dunno what got me to doing it this time around. Maybe I got move by Sacha Chua‘s speech about blogging during the recent BarCamp Manila. Maybe I became so mortified when I saw myself ranked at 60 (at the time of writing, at least) at Tweeple Stats (Oh, the ignominy!). Or maybe it’s the fact that I work in a company that develops social networking software and I’m not even that socially active (yep, even online).  Although I’ve observed that social ineptitude is a fairly common attribute of social software developers – Exhibit A: Facebook‘s founder Mark Zuckerberg. Or, maybe it’s because I’ve been paying GoDaddy for evansagge.com for almost a year now, and I have yet to use that domain.

Be that as it may, I hope I’ll be able to write informative stuff here on this blog.  I resolve never to write about how exciting my life is or how boring my day was — I’ve got my Twitter account just for that. If you want to stalk me and perpetually receive messages about the gorey details of my personal life, follow me on Twitter.

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